Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Enjoy the Everyday in Your Christmas Holidays

I had the wonderful experience of going to an event at my church called Holidays Honoring Him. Every table hostess decorated the table with a holiday theme that centered around honoring Christ. My Mom and Sister decorated this first table at the beginning of my post. The table sparkled and was magical in the candlelight. It was a lovely night and a wonderful way to remember to keep Christ the center of everything I do from holidays to homeschooling and everyday life. My home school support group is having a Christmas tea this evening, and I look forward to going every year if at all possible. The Holidays Honoring Him event reminded me of our group's Christmas tea, but all of the tables at the tea are done in a Christmas theme. This year getting to the tea is a little more challenging because I am a solo parent again with dear Husband gone with pre-deployment training. I did not go last year because my sister in law was in the hospital battling cancer and I just couldn't go and be with others... This year I am going and excited and counting it a blessing for my week!

Here are a few more of the tables that I captured with my camera... Enjoy the everyday in your Christmas holidays, you know cards in the mail...the cool air...hot chocolate with rosy cheeked children...snuggling up with a Christmas quilt and looking at your to do list...enjoy

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