Saturday, November 13, 2010

Back after taking a break

Life has a way of speeding up sometimes, so fast that I get dizzy! I have been taking a break from blogging for just that reason. We have been flying through the months of September, October and now half way through November! The last few months have been filled with dance and basketball tryouts, choir rehearsals, Boy Scout camping trips, quick trips to the beach and just doing life. We have delved into everything full force this fall. 
 I am looking forward to the holidays this year and the break in activities that both Thanksgiving and Christmas bring for our family. I love settling in with hot chocolate and a good book and hearing the kids playing in different parts of the house or outside in the beautifully colored woods. I love being able to be home for extended periods of time without having to run out to a meeting, practice, or other committment. 
 So I am back from a break from the blog, but looking forward to the upcoming break to catch our collective breath and enjoy some family time together. Enjoy these gorgeous fall days they pass by so quickly. Before I know it I will look out the back windows at the lovely woods and the leaves will be gone from the trees and more time will have passed quickly by.

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